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Extra Content

Fits across the entire screen. Images should be at least 1400px (wide) x any height @72dpi.

Usually reserved for Slideshows, hero images and call to action current promotions.

See here for different layouts in Extra Content




Top Content

Fits across the width of the website. Images should be at least 1320px (wide) x any height @72dpi.


Main Content. Always start with Header 1 style

A typical page layout may look like this with an intro text here.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut sollicitudin purus. Vivamus et cursus libero. Suspendisse viverra porttitor lectus at pulvinar. 


Break up your paragraphs with Headers 2 to 6. Learn more about heading style here.

Main Content is approximately 860px (max) wide.

Body copy here. Paragraph Text style has automatic space below, no need to use double spacing. Use the Bold option to highlight text. To link text image and email address and phone number see here. 

To learn more about images see here. The image to the left has the following assigned to it:  > Alignment/Block/Image Left with Margins. To text wrap an image see here.  Morbi ultrices leo vitae ipsum facilisis consequat. Duis pulvinar metus metus, ut convallis ex suscipit dignissim. Nullam eget tortor luctus, mollis ex ut, gravida dolor. Aenean tincidunt sem in ornare aliquet. Vestibulum ac euismod neque. Nunc sollicitudin mi vitae iaculis feugiat. Ut vitae eros semper, fringilla quam ac, faucibus libero. Fusce ut sollicitudin mauris.

Break up your paragraphs with Headers 2 to 6

Proin rhoncus, tortor sollicitudin viverra luctus, ligula nisl ultricies enim, et pharetra nulla orci at felis. Aliquam ac dapibus lorem. Aliquam quis commodo metus. Pellentesque mollis blandit eros sit amet vehicula. Nunc viverra est et dapibus mollis.

Learn how to do a Caption see here.

Nulla volutpat et tellus vel commodo. Duis euismod, diam nec auctor hendrerit, tellus turpis sodales ante, vulputate maximus lectus diam semper ante. Curabitur condimentum elit lorem, quis vehicula felis elementum ut. Cras lectus enim, egestas at augue quis, sodales accumsan nunc. 

Aliquam ac dapibus lorem. Aliquam quis commodo metus. Pellentesque mollis blandit eros sit amet vehicula. Nunc viverra est et dapibus mollis. Nulla volutpat et tellus vel commodo. Duis euismod, diam nec auctor hendrerit, tellus turpis sodales ante, vulputate maximus lectus diam semper ante. Curabitur condimentum elit lorem, quis vehicula felis elementum ut. Cras lectus enim, egestas at augue quis, sodales accumsan nunc.

To get a quote to look like this. Select the text and click on the quote icon in the menu.

Aliquam ac dapibus lorem. Aliquam quis commodo metus. Pellentesque mollis blandit eros sit amet vehicula. Nunc viverra est et dapibus mollis. Nulla volutpat et tellus vel commodo. Duis euismod, diam nec auctor hendrerit, tellus turpis sodales ante, vulputate maximus lectus diam semper ante. To place a rule below an entire paragraph see here.

Page layout areas of content. 

The general default page setup is 4 areas of Content.

Main Content and Right hand panel/Custom Panel 1. However you might wish content to be displayed across more of the page.

  1. Main content: The large main area uses the wider area to the left of a right column - approx: 860px (max) wide

  2. Right hand panel/Custom Panel 1: The area in the right of the page - approx: max 440px wide

  3. Extra Content: Stretches across the entire width of the screen below the menu - approx: max 1400px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1400x400px

  4. Top Content: Stretches across the top of the main content and Right hand panel of the site - approx: max 1320px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1200x400px

  5. Bottom Content: Stretches across the bottom of the main content of the site or the bottom on the entire screen, depending on how it has been coded - approx: max 1320px or 1400px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1320x400px or 1400x400px wide


Right hand side content

Approx: 440px (max) wide

This copy is created as a page and activated with the module 'Custom Panel 1'. It can be displayed on any selected page in the right hand side. For more detailed instructions see

Right Hand Side Panels


Bottom Content

Fits across the bottom of the main content of the site. Images should be at least approx: 1320 (wide) x any height @72dpi.

Or it can be formatted to fit across the entire screen. Images should be at least >1400px (wide) x any height @72dpi.

+ Text Size -

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