Upload images (photos and graphics)
This section covers uploading images to a webpage via the File Manager, which stores images and files for website display.
Important: When creating posts (e.g., blogs, articles, news) using the form upload, images are uploaded directly from your computer and do not require formatting based on these guidelines.
Follow these steps for uploading images through the File Manager:
- Organise Files: Store images in appropriate folders for easy access and management.
- File Naming: Use clear, descriptive names to help with SEO and organisation.
- Image Sizing: Ensure images are appropriately scaled to fit the webpage layout.
- File Format: Use common web formats like JPEG or PNG for compatibility.
- Optimisation: Compress images to balance quality and page load speed.
- Alt Text: Add descriptive alt text for accessibility and search visibility.
Properly formatted and organised images enhance website performance and user experience.
Using the File Manager for Image Uploads
The File Manager contains folders, created by the website manager, for uploading images and files to your web pages.
Guidelines for Uploading Images:
- Use the Correct Folder: Always upload images to a yellow folder to ensure proper organisation and display.
- Renaming for updates: When replacing an existing image, rename the new file before uploading. If the filename remains the same, the website may not recognise the updated image.
- File Organisation: Store images in relevant folders to maintain a clear structure and easy access.
- Image Preparation: Optimise images for web use by adjusting size, format, and compression before uploading.
Following these steps ensures images are correctly displayed and easily managed within the website.
Image size and format
Before you start, ensure that all images and graphics are jpg, gif, png and/or avi and must be no bigger than 1mb. If too large they will slow the website down and may break the page.
An image can be reduced, on the page, after upload to the File Manager. However, it shouldn't be made bigger, on the page than the original size, because the image will appear pixelated/fuzzy on screen.
jpgs are best for photos
gifs are better for flat colour graphics such as logos
pngs for transparent backgrounds
Scan all images at 72 dpi. Alternatively, convert original images to less than 1400 pixels wide - this is the largest you will need on a web page.
Image sizes for different areas of your page
Sizes are a guide only and individual websites may have slight variations. Check 'Your Notes' if your site has custom features.
Gallery Images: Approx: 1000x800 @ 72dpi
Slideshow: 1400 (w) x 400 (h) px @ 72dpi
Extra Wide Content: Approx 1400 (w) x 400 (h) px @ 72dpi
Top Content: Approx 1320 (w) x 400 (h) px @ 72dpi
Main Content: Approx 860 (w) x Any height px @ 72dpi
Right hand column - Custom Panel 1: The vertical area in the right of the page. Approx 440px (max) wide @72dpi
Bottom Content: Depending on how it has been coded: - approx: 1320x400px or >1400x400px @72dpi
Find an image size (already uploaded image)
If you are unsure of the size of an image that is already uploaded.
Check in the 'File Manager'.
Go: Site Tools > File Manager
Find the image in the 'File Manager' folder directory on the left.
To help find your file:
Sort by name size and date
Change the viewing layout to 'List view' and it will list the images and the dimensions (in pixels).
Note: Keep your image sizes in your 'Your Notes' (far left menu in page edit mode).
Resize images
You will need a graphics programme on your computer to resize images, for example: Adobe Photoshop or Paint in Windows.
Or try this online application: https://www.reduceimages.com/
Here's a link to 5 other ways to reduce images: https://www.wikihow.com/Resize-a-JPEG
Read more about image resolution: https://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=282942&p=1885350
You need to be logged in.
Place your cursor into the text editing area, where you want your image to appear. If the image is to appear between paragraphs, open a paragraph space and place your cursor in the middle, between paragraphs. If wrapping the text around the image (left or right), place the cursor on the left at the beginning of a sentence.
- Upload the image by clicking the icon “Insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
- Click onto the icon to the right of the source window (looks like an arrow upload icon).
- If the image is already uploaded find the image and go to point 7. below.
Select a folder in your 'file manager' to upload your file into.
Or create a new folder if needed. -
Select ‘Upload’ (top left hand icon up arrow). Select Add file(s). This will take you to your computers directory. Find and select you image.
Select 'Open' to upload the image. Select 'Start Upload'. Then select 'Return to files list'.
Select your image by clicking onto it. Save.
Your image will appear on the page.
NOTE: Images are automatically made responsive so they shrink to fit all screens.
NOTE: If you are cutting the image into text, see 'Text wrap an image' (below)
By default all images are loaded as responsive ( will adjust to screen size )
To take the responsive attribute off:
- Select your image in the page edit mode.
- Select ‘formats’ menu (right next to Clear formatting icon Tx) / select ‘Responsive Styles’ / click ‘Responsive Image’ on or off. Should show a tick when on.
Adding Title and Alt tags to your image
- Select your image in the page edit mode.
- Use your mouse to right click
- Select the icon “Insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
- Fill in Alternative description and/or Image title
- Save
What are the differences between Image Titles and Image Alt Tags?
The differences between image titles and the image alt tags are below.
- Image titles are for user experience while image alt tags are for screen readers and search engine crawlers.
- Image titles can be visually rendered on the web page while image alt tags can’t be seen on the web page.
- Image alt tags should be short for describing the image’s purpose, the image titles can be longer for communication with the user.
- Image titles are seen as image tooltips, while image alt tags are seen as an alternative textual expression of the image.
You need to be logged in.
Click on the image you wish to change.
- Upload the image by clicking the icon “Insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
- Click onto the icon to the right of the source window (looks like an arrow upload icon).
- If the image is already uploaded find the image and go to point 7. below.
Select a folder in your 'file manager' to upload your file into.
Or create a new folder if needed. -
Select ‘Upload’ (top left hand icon up arrow). Select Add file(s). This will take you to your computers directory. Find and select you image.
Select 'Open' to upload the image. Select 'Start Upload'. Then select 'Return to files list'.
Select your image by clicking onto it. Save.
Your image will appear on the page.
Trouble shooting: Image not showing on page
Check the image is either a jpg, gif or png.
Try a fix by going back to your original desktop image, reformat and then upload and insert it again.
Check the image can be loaded onto a different page.

Original image size shown is 350 x 233

Reduced size shown 180 x 121
Resize the image by selecting it and moving the bottom right blue square corner into the centre.
- Select your image in the page edit mode.
- Select the icon “Insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
- Alter the Width or Height
- Save
Don't enlarge the image since that will pixelate the image and make for poor quality viewing.
Make sure your uploaded images are not too big. No bigger than 500kb. If they are too large then they will slow the site down.
You need to be logged in.
To get an image to sit left or right, with the text wrapping around it.
Place the cursor at the beginning of the text, where you wish to place the image.
Upload the image to the page.
With the image highlighted, go to the left 'Paragraph' dropdown menu containing Alignment.
Select either Block/Image Left with margin or Block/Image Right with margin.
NOTE: If you have added a caption, under the image, go to the Alignment dropdown and use 'Left' or 'Right' instead of Block Image.
Block/Image Left with margin. Maecenas non eleifend nibh. Sed tincidunt accumsan justo, ut vestibulum velit blandit quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In libero nisl, ultrices ut imperdiet vitae, varius in mauris. Nunc ut dolor nec lacus vehicula consequat at vitae ligula. Nullam convallis, diam ut maximus egestas, lorem sapien maximus orci, vitae porta nunc mauris at nisl. Suspendisse sed tortor at nisi gravida ultrices. Donec urna purus, hendrerit id diam in, vulputate pellentesque justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla semper augue id scelerisque venenatis. Ut commodo nec justo vitae semper. Donec eu posuere neque. Nunc neque magna, ullamcorper quis auctor eget, convallis id diam. Pellentesque sollicitudin facilisis metus at suscipit.
On occasions an image might disappear from a page. This is most likely because the image has been disturbed (alerted or deleted), usually in the 'File manager' .
The usual fix is to upload the image to the page again, or start again and upload the image from your desktop.
You need to be logged in.
Go to the page where your image is missing.
Click/select the blank image space or missing link icon.
Select the icon “insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
In the Source window, make a note of the file name and source folder for the image, so you can find it in the 'Flmngr file manager'.
Click onto the icon to the right of the source window (looks like an arrow upload icon).
- Go to the folder where the image should be.
- If the image is already uploaded find the image and go to point 10. below.
- Select ‘Upload’ (top left hand icon up arrow). Select Add file(s). This will take you to your computers directory. Find and select you image.
- Select 'Open' to upload the image. Select 'Start Upload'. Then select 'Return to files list'.
- Select your image by clicking onto it. Save.
- Your image will appear on the page.
When an image is placed on a page, it is automatically assigned the 'paragraph' style (normal text).
The paragraph style has a space of approximately 12px below, which is the white space you are seeing.
Click on the image.
Select the middle 'Paragraph' dropdown in the editing tools and select 'Div element'. Make sure paragraph is not selected.
You DON'T have to be logged into your sites admin to do this.
Select the image and whist holding down on you mouse drag and drop the image to your desktop.
A hover on an image or section of text (highlighted change) indicates there is an active link.
Default hover for an image
On most Flightdec websites the default hover is a 70% image fade.
Use your admin HELP to change this or get it reinstated, if not working.
Switching the hover to another image
You can have a specific hover on an image if uploading 2 images that are named exactly the same.
The hover image needs to have the words '-hover' at the end of the name and before the '.jpg' eg. HomeImage.jpg HomeImage-hover.jpg
The 2 images must be uploaded into the same folder.
Create and name your 2 images.
Upload your 2 images into your 'Flmngr file manager'. See here
Click on the image and go to the menu item to the right of the Tx icon:
In the dropdown menu Select: Responsive Styles.
Click on the "Hover Image Swap"
To get a caption aligned and flush underneath your image, it must be done in the order below.
You need to be logged in.
Insert your image into the page. See above 'Placing images into your text content'.
Apply a caption to your image
- Select your image in the page edit mode.
- Select the icon “insert/edit image”, (looks like a photo of a mountain.)
Tick the "Show caption" button. Click Save.
Highlight the word Caption and type or paste in your caption text. Save Page.
If you wish the image to align left or right around body copy go to Paragraph/Alignment select left or right. (Not Block).
If it's not working, start afresh and reinsert your image.

Note: Alternative description: a detailed explanation of an image that provides information to visually impaired users.
Image title: is the text which a user sees after hovering over the image.
To add a border to an image, (a thin black line)
You need to be logged in.
Add your image to the page
Click on your image
Select ‘menu item' to the right of Clear formatting icon Tx)
In the dropdown > Special Styles > Img Border
Links to pages in your website - see below for links to external website pages
You need to be logged in.
Start by harvesting the link - the URL extension of the landing page (page linking to). A URL extension is the bit from the forward slash on, e.g. website.com/page name - this is the bit you harvest /page name . It can be copied from the website URL panel or go the Pages List (left column) and click on a Copy Link and it will be saved for you.
Go to the page where the link will be displayed.
Click on the image or highlight the text that will receive the link.
Click on the Insert/edit link icon (looks like a chain) add in harvested link in the URL panel /page name
Open link in Current window.
Click Save > SAVE PAGE
Links to other website pages
Start by harvesting the full URL link from the external website page.
Go to your web page where the link will be displayed.
Click on the image or highlight the text that will receive the link.
Click on the Insert/edit link icon (looks like a chain) add in harvested link in the URL panel.
Open link in New window. ( may appear above current edit window).
Click Save > SAVE PAGE
Make links to documents such as PDFs, PP and Word docs - see here
Index Images
When uploading an index image for a post, it serves as a thumbnail in lists and may appear in different formats across websites. Follow these guidelines:
- Choose a Picture: Avoid logos or text-heavy images; use visuals where edges are not crucial.
- Fill the Frame: Ensure the image covers the entire area, avoiding white backgrounds.
- Be Engaging: Use eye-catching, unique images for each post rather than reusing the same one.
- Size Requirement: The image should be at least 400 pixels on the shortest side.
- Cropping Tip: For portraits, use a slightly landscape orientation and leave extra space above and below the face to prevent cropping issues.
When taking a screen capture for an index image, ensure the main content is centered, as it may be auto-cropped into a square or rectangle depending on display settings. Select a wide rectangular shape with a minimum of 400 pixels on the shortest side.
On Windows (PC):
- Open the Snipping Tool by clicking the Start button or search icon and typing "Snipping Tool."
- Select Mode (or the arrow next to New in earlier versions).
- Choose Rectangular Snip, then select the desired area when the screen dims.
On macOS (Mac):
- Press Shift + Command + 4.
- Drag the crosshair to select the desired screen area.
- Hold the Space bar to move the selection or press Esc to cancel.
- Find and edit the page you want to change the signature/index image on.
- Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Unimodules or Event.
- Under Extras: / Index image: Remove image and Choose a new file
- Save settings.
Flightdec page layout
terms & measurements
Find Pages
New Page, Setting it up
Alter information on an existing page
Change existing Page Name or Page URL
Pages Off and On
Reinstating a deleted page and view page history
Redirect a page
Right Hand Side - Custom Panels
Headings, alignment, rules and background colours
Heading levels
Buttons, background colours, rules and no spacing above or below etc
Linking text to pages, emails and other websites
Source Code - copy content within the site
Adding columns and other templates
Adding open/closed containers
Copying text from an external source
Unique css page and text styles
Your Notes
Delete cache
Dropdown Menus
Menu redirect to another site
Optimal image size and format
Size of uploaded Images
Change an Image
Place images in text content
Resize image on page
Text wrap and image
Relink missing images
Remove white space under image
Download images
Captions under image
Borders on images
Linking Images
Index Images
Change an Index image
On images
Linking images to text, pages, and other websites
Add and link a pdf or powerpoint to download
Open Close Containers
Add a Google Map
MEMBERS Adding and Editing
Social Media share icons - AddThis
Facebook widget plugg in