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To access your website administration

Log in using your email address and password

NOTE that posting pages (blogs, articles, news, events, etc) can be done quickly and easily, without any management knowledge. Get the simple steps here.

If you want to add columns or a customise layout see Templates.

Flightdec page layout options. 

The general default page setup is 4 areas of Content.

Main Content and Right hand panel/Custom Panel 1. However you might wish content to be displayed across more of the page.

  1. Main content: The large main area uses the wider area to the left of a right column - approx: 860px (max) wide

  2. Right hand panel/Custom Panel 1: The area in the right of the page - approx: max 440px wide

  3. Extra Content: Stretches across the entire width of the screen below the menu - approx: max 1400px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1400x400px

  4. Top Content: Stretches across the top of the main content and Right hand panel of the site - approx: max 1320px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1200x400px

  5. Bottom Content: Stretches across the bottom of the main content of the site or the bottom on the entire screen, depending on how it has been coded - approx: max 1320px or 1400px wide
    Set images at approx:  >1320x400px or 1400x400px wide

See here for a visual guide to the above content areas.


Finding pages

There are a number of ways to find pages:

  1. Under the top menu 'Page Tools'. Click on Page Tools to reveal a dropdown menu (Take a few moments to have a look at other items in the other menu dropdowns.)  or;

  2. On the left hand menu click on 'Page List',  or;
  3. On the left hand menu click on 'Dashboard'. See the last 5 pages created or edited or use the search box, or;
  4. From within another page use the 'Quick Pages List'. Top right hand side. 


Setting up a new page

1. On the left hand menu click on “Create / Edit Pages

2. Under create a new page

Page Basics:  Fill in the Details

Display Name: The name that will be displayed in the menu. Preferably keep it to one word.

Page URL: Make this a unique name in your website (no two the same). It becomes part of the page address (URL) which can be used to find the page and to create links to it.

If the name is changed anything linked to it will be broken and an error message will be displayed. By ticking 'Update pages" you will only update links within the site.

Do not make page headings using icons which may corrupt the page URL e.g. %#@

Read about odd symbols in your urls

The url is taken from the Page Name (not to be confused with the Display Name)

Macrons   the   %C4%81  is code for the macron above the ā.

You can still refer clients toātua and they will get to that page.

When linking to the page you can still use kaumātua

Solution: Do not use macrons or any other symbols other than 0-9 and a-z in Page Names

However it is ok to see them in Display names which show in the menu.

Spaces  the %20 is code for a space.

You can still refer clients to Te Kura  and they will get to that page.

Alternative solution:

Under Page Basics / Page Name:  Tick to add hyphens (between words).

This will show in the url as which is easier to see.

However you WONT be able to refer a client to Te Kura as it's now got hyphens instead of spaces.

Activate Page: Turn the page off or on.

3. Save Page

4. In the text editor, type in your content and insert images.

5. Save Page


To alter information on an existing page.

  1. On the left hand menu click on “Page List”.
  2. Find the page you are after and on the right hand side of the page listing, click onto the'Edit this page' icon.
  3. In the text editor, type in your content and insert images. (See below for further instructions.)

Change Display Name or Page URL

  1. Go/Edit to ‘page you want to change’. 
  2. Select Page Basics:  Change the following:

Display Name: The name that will be displayed in the menu. Preferably keep it to one word.

Page URL: Make this a unique name in your website (no two the same). It becomes part of the page address (URL) which can be used to find the page and to create links to it.

If the name is changed anything linked to it will be broken and an error message will be displayed. By ticking 'Update pages" you will only update links within the site.

Do not make page headings using icons which may corrupt the page URL e.g. %#@

Read about odd symbols in your urls

The url is taken from the Page Name (not to be confused with the Display Name)

Macrons   the   %C4%81  is code for the macron above the ā.

You can still refer clients toātua and they will get to that page.

When linking to the page you can still use kaumātua

Solution: Do not use macrons or any other symbols other than 0-9 and a-z in Page Names

However it is ok to see them in Display names which show in the menu.

Spaces  the %20 is code for a space.

You can still refer clients to Te Kura  and they will get to that page.

Alternative solution:

Under Page Basics / Page Name:  Tick to add hyphens (between words).

This will show in the url as which is easier to see.

However you WONT be able to refer a client to Te Kura as it's now got hyphens instead of spaces.

3. Save Page


Turing pages Off and On

  1. Go to ‘Page List’.
  2. Turn the page off/on by clicking on the red/green off/on icon. (top right).

Reinstating a deleted page and view page history

If a page has been deleted and you want to reinstate it:

  1. On any page click page history.
  2. Remove the page ID from the UR to give you a list.
  3. From there you can find the page you want and click the red circular arrow to restore the page.
  4. It will undelete it and restore it from the history.. but any modules need to be reapplied.

View the history

  1. On any page click page history.



How to Redirect a Page

1. Simple Page Redirect (Not a 301)

If you just need to redirect an old page within your site:

  1. Open the page you want to redirect.
  2. Select "Relationships" from the menu.
  3. Under Page Relationships / URL Redirect, enter the new page URL.
  4. Save Page

This will redirect the page, but it’s not a true 301 redirect.

2. True 301 Redirect (or Other Redirects)

For a proper 301 redirect (or other types):

  1. Go to Site ToolsRedirect Management.
  2. Here, you can:
    • Set up new redirects.
    • View existing redirects.
    • See a list of 404 errors caused by users or bots.

This method ensures a permanent and proper redirect setup.


Headings, alignment, rules and background colours

To change text to different heading levels

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Go: to the menu directly above the text editor and click onto the tab called Paragraph or Header 1-6, Div Element or Blockquote.
  3. Select the Heading Level you want. SAVE

Note: These are predesigned Heading Levels that will help make your site look professional as they will keep your site looking consistent. If you need size or colour change to these Headers please contact Flightdec Help. A change in these Headers will result in a change throughout the site.

To change the size of the headers and paragraph

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Go: to the menu directly above the text editor, click the tab that has a px size on it
  3. To make it smaller, select the 0.95em size and smaller, larger select 1.1em and above. SAVE

Note: These changes will not result in a change throughout the site, only to the highlighted text. These sizes don't change the line height so may not be good for large areas of text.

To change text align left, right, centered or justified

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Go: to the 'menu item' to the right of the Tx icon.
  3. Go: Alignment, select the attribute you want. SAVE

Note: Use Block/image when you want the text to wrap around an image.

To change text to have buttons, background colours, rules and no spacing above or below etc

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Go: to the 'menu item' to the right of the Tx icon.
  3. Go: Custom Styles, select the attribute you want. SAVE

Note: Contact Flightdec Help if you want a change or more attributes added.


Adding Columns  TEMPLATES

If you want to add columns or a customise layout see Templates.

Copying text from an external source

From other websites
Preferably use Chrome as your browser.

  1. On the website, with your cursor, highlight the text to be copied. Copy it: ctrl-c (PC), command-c (MAC).
  2. Go back to your website admin and edit the page you want to paste the text on: ctrl-v (PC), command-v (MAC).
  3. In your text editor, highlight the new text and strip the formatting by using the "Clear formatting icon" (Tx), then reformat it. SAVE 

From Word documents
Please don't copy and paste directly from msword. MSW thinks it knows HTML and adds a heap of junk code, which can make your content look inconsistent.


Copy and paste from MSW into a plain text editor (like notepad) and then into your website text editor 
Use the 'edit' -> 'paste as plain text' function, then ctrl-v/command-c
In your text editor, highlight the new text and strip the formatting by using the "Clear formatting icon" (Tx), then reformat it. SAVE

Check source code to see if it looks clean.


Linking images, text and email address'

Linking images and text to other pages in your website.

  1. Select the page to edit.
  2. Highlight the image or text you want a link on.
  3. Click on the ‘Insert/edit link icon’ (looks like a chain) add in page name you want to link to.  eg:    /home
  4. Click OK       SAVE PAGE

Linking images and text to other websites

  1. Go to the website you want to link to.
  2. Highlight the website url (address). Copy it.  (pc: control c) (mac:command c)
  3. Go to your website administration and find the page where the image or text is, you want linked.
  4. Highlight the image or text you want a ‘link’ on.
  5. Click on the ‘Insert/edit link icon’ (looks like a chain). 

Paste (pc: control v)(mac:command v)  the website url you want to link to in the box to the right of the word url.

Change ‘Open link in...’ from Current window to 'New window’ so that the website opens in a new window in the users browser and doesn’t close your website.

Note: The selection for 'New window’ will appear above the ‘Insert/Edit Link window

6. Click SAVE    SAVE PAGE

Use this website  to convert your page URL/link to a shorter version if you need to put it on a printed document.

Linking emails address' and phone numbers

  1. Highlight the email address or text you want to add the email or phone link to.
  2. Click on the ‘Insert/edit link icon’ (looks like a chain).
  3. Add in the url space: mailto:theemailaddress   or  tel:+phonenumbernospaces
  4. Click SAVE      
  6. On the font end of the site if the user clicks onto the link it should take them directly to their email programme with the email address.

Phone number links should dial directly on a mobile phone. On a computer it will prompt the user as to what method of contact they would like to use eg. Skype  


Your Notes

On the bottom left hand side, menu.

Use this space as a place to store helpful hints about your site you may want to refer back to. Add and delete notes as you wish.

You can find your image sizes and a link the this Help site in “Your Notes”. 


Delete cache / Empty cache.
If changes aren’t showing

If you know you have saved and done everything correctly and changes aren’t showing. Try Deleting your CACHE /Empty Cache

  1. Go to ‘Page List’ on the menu on the left hand side. 
  2. Click the button on the top right that says Empty Cache. EMPTY CACHE

Adding a downloadable pdf, ppt or Word doc

To add and link pdfs and other documents

  1. In the text editor on the page you want your pdf on:
    highlight the text or image you want the pdf attached to. For example " Download and view the Report here"
  2. Go to the Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu. Click onto the ‘up arrow icon’ to the right of the url field.
  3. Find your pdf or other document. 
  4. If not there, create a New folder called "pdfs"
  5. Upload and Add file(s) from your computer, or if already uploaded select your pdf by clicking on the file.

Changing the display name that is appearing on the page

  1. The default 'display name' is taken from the url (pathway) to where the pdf is stored
  2. Go to the Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu.
  3. In the dialogue box under the words Text to display type in your file name or any other text to be displayed eg. To see report, click here.
  4. Save. Save Page

Pdf icon

A pdf icon may or may not appear. Let Flightdec admin know what your preference is.

To add and link a ppt

  1. In the text editor on the page you want your ppt on:
    highlight the text you want the ppt attached to. For example " Download and view the Powerpoint Template here"
  2. Go to the  Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu. Click onto the ‘up arrow icon’ to the right of the url field.
  3. Find your ppt. If not there, Create a folder called "ppt"
  4. Upload and Add file(s) from your computer, or if already uploaded select your ppt by clicking on the file.

Changing the display name that is appearing on the page

  1. The default 'display name' is taken from the url (pathway) to where the ppt is stored
  2. Go to the Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu.
  3. In the dialogue box under the words Text to display type in your file name or any other text to be displayed eg. To see notes, click here.
  4. Save. Save Page

ppt icon

A ppt icon may or may not appear. Let Flightdec admin know what your preference is.

To add and link a word document

  1. In the text editor on the page you want your ppt on:
    highlight the text you want the ppt attached to. For example " Download and view the document here"
  2. Go to the Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu. Click onto the ‘up arrow icon’ to the right of the url field.
  3. Find your word document. If not there, Create a folder called "Documents"
  4. Upload and Add file(s) from your computer, or if already uploaded select your word doc by clicking on the file.

Changing the display name that is appearing on the page

  1. The default 'display name' is taken from the url (pathway) to where the word document is stored
  2. Go to the Insert/edit link (chain icon) in your menu.
  3. In the dialogue box under the words Text to display type in your file name or any other text to be displayed eg. To see report, click here.
  4. Save. Save Page

Word document icon

A pdf icon may or may not appear. Let Flightdec admin know what your preference is.


Anchors or tags

Link individual items (text or images) to other items on the same page or other pages within the website

  1. Place your cursor at the beginning of the text or image you want the user to go to (the item that the link will find), select the Anchor (flag Icon) 
  2. Name that AnchorSAVE
  3. Highlight/select the text or image that you want the anchor to be linked to.
  4. Click on the ‘Insert/edit link icon’ (chain icon)
  5. Add in “#your anchor name” you want to link to.

    Remember to put  a # in front of the anchor name in this box.

    NOTE: If you are linking to an Anchor tag on another page you will have to include that Page Name in your anchor tag eg.  /page name#your anchor name
  6. ‘Target’ should be ‘blank’ so that it doesn’t open a new window on your browser.
  7. Click SAVE       SAVE PAGE




A hover (change of state) on an image or text indicates that there is an active link on that item and the user can click onto it to get more information.

Default hover for an image
Switching the hover to another image

Gallery    MODULE

A gallery is one of the simplest ways of presenting a number of images on your website. When a user clicks on the thumbnail/preview image, that picture opens up in a larger format as the website fades in the background. The user can then scroll through the images in a slideshow format or go back to the preview screen. The Gallery module will automatically create the preview images.

Find out how to create galleries and add and delete images to existing ones.



Click here for instructions.



To place an audio clip into your website content

  1. Select/edit the page you want to upload your audio to.
  2. Place your cursor into the text editing area where you want your audio clip to appear.
  3. Upload the audio by clicking the icon 'Insert/edit media' (in menu above the text editor, looks like a a play arrow).
  4. Click onto the icon to the right of the Source window (looks like an upload arrow).
  5. Open or create a new folder as needed. Name the folder 'Audios'.
  6. If already uploaded select by clicking onto it your audio file
  7. To Upload your audio file....
  8. Go ‘Upload’ (top left hand icon up arrow). Select Add file(s). This will take you to your computers directory. Find and select your audio file.

  9. Select 'Open' to upload the file. Select 'Start Upload'. Then select 'Return to files list'.

  10. Select your file by clicking onto it. Save.

  11. Your audio will appear on the page.

  12. SAVE

Your audio should appear on the page. SAVE

Or if your audio has been published on YouTube you maybe able to link it in the same way a video is done. Click here for instructions.

Add a Google Map

To get your Google Map Code Click here for instructions.

Add the map to your page

  1. Select/edit the page you want to upload your Google map to.
  2. Place your cursor into the text editing area where you want your Google map to appear.
  3. Add a row of xxxxxxxx (this is just a place holder)
  4. Click onto the menu View > Source Code.
  5. Find that row of xxxxxxx and replace it with your Google Map Code

<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe>

Now make it responsive so that it adjusts to all screen sizes.

1. Modify the embed code

In your View > Source Code, add a CSS class called 'map-responsive' around the iframe as follows (in bold):

<div class="map-responsive">

<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe> 


2. If not working contact Flightdec and they will make sure the following css has been added to your site.

Or add it in yourself on your page: Extra Features > Style & Functionality > Page Styles: Enter the page unique CSS
(This will only apply to the page you have added the code into not the entire site)

.map-responsive {overflow:hidden;padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; height:0;}

.map-responsive iframe {left:0;top:0; height:100%; width:100%;position:absolute;}


Source Code

To quickly move content from one page to another within your site:

  1. Go to the page you want to copy.
  2. Under the menu: View go Source code (in the text editor window), copy the code.
  3. Go to the page you want to paste the content into.
  4. Under the menu: View go Source code (in the text editor window), paste the code.  SAVE

Unique css page styles

Alter your page styles without effecting other pages on the website

  1. Go to the page that you want to change code on.
  2. Go Extra Features
  3. Under Style & Functionality and under Page styles change or enter any unique css code you want to override on that page only.
  4. Save Page

Facebook widget pluggin



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