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Adding, deleting and altering members

You can only do this if you have been given access to the Membership admin.

If you haven't and would like to please contact Flightdec 

Login to the site admin.

  1. Go to the menu items Site Tools / Members
  2. Use the rubbish bin icon to delete any members
  3. Use the pen and paper edit icon to change any of the member details and access.
  4. Use the 'Create new Member' button to add a new member.

Adding new members

  1. Login:  https://siteurl/admin  using your normal email and password.
  2. Go to the top menu: "Site Tools" then click on the dropdown menu "Members"
  3. Go: Create a New Member

    Fill in the Member Shared Details
    Username:  This will show up on other peoples websites when commenting
    Password:  Firstname last name beckyhilliar
    Verified member:   tick Yes
    Track User: Don’t tick this

    Under site permission Turn on the following
    Edit Page
    New Page

  4. Then SAVE

  5. Email the new user their login details login details with this note below.

    Once logged into the Dashboard, you should change your Password in ‘My Details’ (under the top menu ‘User Tools’). Or use the ‘forgot password’ at the Step 2.
    Please don’t pass your login to others. If anyone else wants a login, we can give them individual membership or you may be able to do it yourself under the Members Menu (under top  menu ‘Site Tools’ or left hand side menu ). 

You can make changes to member access in by:

  1. Login:  https://siteurl/admin  using your normal email and password.
  2. Go to the top menu: "Site Tools" then click on the dropdown menu "Members"
  3. Search for the member you want to change
  4. On the right hand side on the members name click on the "Edit Icon" (pen and paper). 
  5. Edit the details and click 'Save and Continue' button.


How to edit a special 'Gallery' member profile

A member can edit their own profile details by:

  1. Going to the site
  2. On the Home page, click on the menu item called 'Member Area', Member Login or Member
  3. Log in using their email and password that was used to sign up with.
  4. Member Area
    To upload or manage your profile page, click on the menu item Gallery in the extreme top menu above the Art Beat Logo.
    To post a blog, article, review, event and more, click here.
  5. Edit the details and click 'Save and Continue' button.

An overall site administrator can edit anyones profile. See here:

Option 1:   Login to the site as yourself

  1. Log into:  https://siteurl/admin  using your normal email and password.
  2. Go to the top menu: "Site Tools" then click on the dropdown menu "Members"
  3. Click on the button "Gallery Profiles"
  4. Search for the Gallery you want to change
  5. On the right hand side on the Galleries name click on the "Edit Icon" (pen and paper). 
  6. Edit the details and click 'Save and Continue' button.

Option 2:    Or you can log in as any member other than yourself

  1. Log into https://siteurl/admin  using your normal email and password.
  2. Go to the top menu: Site Tools then click on Members
  3. Search for your member you want to sign in as.
  4. On the right hand side on the Members Name click on the "Key Icon". 
  5. You will now be logged in as that Member (see the very top right of your screen)
  6. Now go to the Front end of the site and there is a small menu that runs at the very top of the site above the Sites Logo, click on the word "Gallery".
  7. Alter and fill in any of the dialogue boxes that appear below in the middle content.


Adding members that are already in the Flightdec system

You can't 'Add' a member if they are already in the Flightdec system.

This is to prevent administrators adding members to sites they may not want to be a member of. 

Flightdec staff are Superusers and are able to add them.

Contact Flightdec if you need them to do this.


To add a existing Flightdec Member to another site

  1. Log into https://siteurl/admin  using your normal email and password.
  2. Login and click on Site Tools/Members.
  3. Search for the email address you know already exists, but you ALSO need to tick 'Search All Members' in the extra permissions section  positioned by Superusers in the search form.
  4. It will search all members of Flightdec, not just the ones of the site you are in. REFRESH LIST
  5. Click edit on the required member and then tick the wanted permissions required.
  6. Save







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