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Right Hand Side Panels

Right hand content can be made up of individual pages.

These are modules and referred to as Custom Panels 1

The page they are viewed on is created or edited in Step 2.

What is a Custom panel and why is it done in this way?

A Custom Panel is a self contained element, which is then viewed in the left and/or right columns of website pages. It is set up like a mini page for text, images, links, videos and borders, etc, or mix of these elements. For example the green graphic and grey menu list in the right column of this page are Custom Panels.

They are able to be used only if your website is setup with left and/or right columns. 

Typically Custom Panels help organise a website by providing second tier navigation and links to areas associated with the page the user is currently on. This helps the manager to tactically promote certain aspects in different places of the website. For example, a Custom Panel graphic might promote and link to a special event with an ad graphic. By placing the Custom Panel in many high-traffic pages, you're able to direct traffic where you want it to go.

A Custom Panel also helps you repeat valuable information on many pages, for example, an event agenda or a list of reports might be repeated down the side of any number of pages. You can take careful time to make one Custom Panel page and edit it in only one place, in order to efficiently repeat the content with a tick on many selected pages.

The Custom Panel always starts as a regular page, which is converted to be a Custom Panel and available for display.

Once made, the Custom Panel can be seen in your Pages List (see this example with the special red note) and is available to load on any other pages.


Step 1. Making the right hand page and placing the content on it.

To create a "Custom Panel"

  1. Go Create/edit a page. Name the page RHP_ page name. etc (Right Hand Panel).   SAVE
  2. Put your graphics and text on the page. SAVE
  3. Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Custom panel 1.
  4. Tick the box “Make this page a custom panel? SAVE


Step 2: Applying the Custom panel to a page

Now include the right hand items (Custom Panels) to display on other pages

  1. Go to the page you want to display the RHP (Custom Panel)  on.
  2. Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Custom panel 1.
  3. Under 

    Display Custom Panels

    Right-Hand Column 

    tick the box and tick any of the ‘Available Panels’ you want to include or delete on that page. SAVE


To edit an existing Custom Panel

Each element on the right hand side may be a seperate page and should be given a Page Name with RHP or RH proceeding it.

  1. Find the Page/custom panel to be edited.
  2. Edit the text.
  3. SAVE

Note: These changes will show every page that this Custom Panel has been selected to display on.

To add or delete an existing Custom Panel to any page

  1. Go to the page you want to display/delete the RHP (Custom Panel)  on.
  2. Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Custom panel 1.
  3. Under 

    Right-Hand Column

    Tick the box
  4. Tick any of the ‘Available Panels’ that will show below that you want to include/delete on that page. SAVE

Reordering Customs panels on right hand side

  1. Go to the page that you want to edit. Edit Page.
  2. Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Custom panel 1.
  3. Below "Right Hand Column" and the tick box you will see the Activated Panels.
  4. Drag and drop the twisted double arrow icon on your listed active panels to move the pages in the order you want them.   SAVE

Reordering Active Modules on Right hand side

  1. Go to the page that you want to edit. Edit Page.
  2. Under the menu item 'Modules' (top right) click Custom panel 1.
  3. Drag and drop the your listed Active modules to move the modules in the order you want them.
  4. SAVE

Note: You wont be able to place the Table of Contents in the middle of Custom panels as they are two different modules but you can place it at the top or the bottom of the custom panels.

Default RH 

This page will load its Right Hand content into any other page that does not have its own Right Hand content.

The Default Right-Hand Panel module has to be active for the default page. You can then load any custom panels or active modules onto this page. They will then appear on pages that have no RH content.



Right hand side content

Approx: 440px (max) wide

This copy is created as a page and activated with the module 'Custom Panel 1'. It can be displayed on any selected page in the right hand side. For more detailed instructions see

Right Hand Side Panels

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