What you need before you post
NOTE that 'posting' is about the making of (blogs, articles, news, events, etc).
Copy, most likely in the form of a Word file. A couple of images and web links.
Click on the heading below for detailed description.
Use a simple and descriptive title. The post will not load if it has an identical name to another post already loaded into the particular website – first in first served. Make the name unique, even if slightly changed. Trial and error may be needed.
Enter the information for the post. Use the Text Editor function to make headings, links, etc.
This is the important 70 or 80 words displayed on Index Listing. You might cut-and-paste this from the first sentences of your ‘Page Content’ or specially write an intro.
These words help people find your post. That means you should enter words that cover typical searches, i.e. topics, location.
This could be a person’s name, an organisation name or a neutral name such as ‘Editor’.
Type in your Categories and predictive text will help. If entering for maximum impact in a particular website, (e.g. The Crowd Blog) view the website menu and use that to pick one Category only, e.g. Community People. Avoid entering Categories that look like sentences or include words such as ‘and’ or ‘&’.
To be displayed on the page itself. It will automatically re-size for the page but please make the file size no bigger than 500kbs. You can use either jpg, jpgeg, gif, tiff, png, bmp or svg. Note, an image may be visible in two places on the website but it can be a repeat of the same uploaded image.
To be displayed as a square image on the Index Listing. It will automatically re-size to a square for the page but please make the file size no bigger than 500kbs. You can use either jpg, jpgeg, gif, tiff, png, bmp or svg. Note, an image may be visible in two places on the website but it can be a repeat of the same uploaded image.
Make A Public Post.
- Go to the website.
- Access the menu and hit Contact.
- Click 'Member Intranet' (often at the bottom of page). Login - if you didn't login at the beginning.
If there is no 'Member Intranet' add in /post to the end of your url. Go to step 5.
- You may have the option of making a Public or Private post. The former broadcasts publicly and the latter broadcasts to your Intranet Area, plus all the other partner Intranet Areas.
- Access Make A Post.
- Choose a page type - it pays to read 'Before You Start'.
- Complete the form.
Posts might take up to 20 minutes to appear, usually much less.
It pays to gradually build up a library of images to use as Signature Images (and page images). You might ask your people for a starting library of their images.
Create a News page and post it to another page or site:
- Go to the website.
- Access the menu and hit Contact.
- Access 'Posting Area' bottom right.
- Login
- Select 'News Item'
- Complete the form (basic content). Advice - use the Categories in full.
- Make Post (Save). You should now see the page in edit mode.
- Click Edit (top right peel-out).
- Enhance the page and add the videos and images.
- Once Saved, go to Broadcasting Tools (Send Out)
- Use ' Your Created Rules' and 'Subscribed Rules'.
Post online
The long way but it's as easy as 1 2 3
1. Create a post/page
- Create a new page. See setting up a new page
- Add your content and images to the page. SAVE
2. Activate the Unimodule
- Select "Add-on Modules". Activate and select Unimodule.
- Select "Page type".
In a few seconds others entry fields will appear.
- Fill in the appropriate entry fields and upload and any graphics required. SAVE SETTINGS
Note: you can always go back an activated Add-on Modules/Unmodulae to change out images and other fields.
3. Broadcasting your post
Once you've made a post, you need to broadcast it to where you wish it to go.
Posting is easy – each step in the entry has a pop-up prompt.
- In the page edit mode, click on the Sending Out dart (Broadcast Tools in top right).
- Click to make the dart green, if not already green.
- Click on Created Rules to send to internal pages or pages in other associated websites.
- Click on Subscribed Rules to send to external sites. Note that where it says (Only), that means ONLY that page type, e.g. don't send a Media Release to News. Click anything appropriate to the post topics. You might end up with a couple of dozen clicks and that helps exposure, but choose carefully.
Broadcasts take up to 30 minutes, unless you speed it up with Empty Cache in the Pages List.
In Add-on Modules, check the following:
- Is Location entered with a town, suburb or All New Zealand. You want the town or suburb if applicable.
- In Categories, there are up to 4 options. It pays to enter as many as you can.
- Activate Right-hand Column if you think it adds something to the page.
Check your copy has odd line breaks. This may happen if it was entered from a PDF or email. You can clean the copy by entering it into Notepad and then the website.
When you select Categories in the dropdown, this helps broadcast to more places, so you can select up to 4 appropriate Categories.
For Location, you can put in New Zealand but it can be a bit pointless. Again this helps locate broadcasting and it's better to put in a town, maybe from where it's written. Don't add anything other than the town name, e.g. Auckland.
The radio audio isn't a Media Release and should probably be a News Item.
All these things can be fixed by finding the pages in the Pages List and using the edit function to change the copy or go to the Add-Module button.
Index Display
How people find your post.
Below is an example of how the post will appear Index Display Pages.

About Broadcasting your event to other websites
Pages posted into a website may be broadcast by the website owner to other websites on the Flightdec Communities platform. Please therefore only post once in a website on the platform. Multiple entries on different Flightdec websites may create broadcast clashes and could result in websites blacklisting your posts.
When you post, the website will be alerted to the post and has the right to allow or disallow display in that website. You may make further adjustments after submitting the post although once it’s approved by the website manager, further changes require you to update the post and re-enter for a fresh approval by the website manager.
The website manager is under no obligation to display your event, or broadcast it, or enter into discussion with you about your event posting.
You will also receive email alerts when users comment on your post. Here you can access your posts and allow or ignore the post.
- Create a new page
Add your content and images to the page. SAVE
- Under blue button on the right side: Add-on Modules
Activate the EVENT module by clicking on it.
- Select Make An Event button
- Fill in the appropriate entry fields and upload and any graphics required.
Note: you can always go back an activated Add-on Modules/Event to change out images and other fields.
Trouble shooting page names and page intros
If Page names/title or intros are not showing as you want them to on the Index page (receiving page) you can change these by going to the page that has your article or event it.
Alter the Title by going to Page Basics and changing the Page Name.
Alter the Intro by going to Metadata and changing the Page Description
With the first input of content onto your page editor, the intro on the index page (receiving page) will take the first para or 60-80 words. It will retain that intro forever and a day, even if you change your page content. If you want to alter your intro on the index page you have to do that in the "Metadata: Page description".
Moderate comments
If you get a Moderate Comment email notice. this means that you have to approve the post before it goes live on your site.
- Click on the 'moderate comment' tab at the bottom of the email.
- You will then have to log in to the site.
- There is a small red button next to the comment, shaped like an on/off button on a computer.
- Clicked it on to 'green' and hey presto your comment is moderated and has gone live on the site.
If you do nothing then the event /comment /page wont go live.
Broadcasting Debugging
This needs to be done on the page you want broadcasts to appear.
When you click the broadcast receiving button, you will also get a link on the bottom to debug, beside the advanced button.
This will load up the current rules that the page has followed by a small form.
In this form you can select a target page from the existing site. This will then bring back the sending rules for that page, and mark the ones that match green.
If you wish to check another site you can then search from the ones assigned, or if you're a superuser theres a free text field to search and then select the site. Then you can start the search for the target page.
Useful Quick Keys, browser and image formats
To Cut, Copy or Paste content when in the text editor on the website, you need to use your computer Ctrl Keys (Command for MAC) as follows:
Copy: Ctrl C ( for Windows ) Command C ( for MAC )
Paste: Ctrl V ( for Windows ) Command V ( for MAC )
Cut: Ctrl X ( for Windows ) Command X ( for MAC )
We recommend using Google Chrome as your web browser for post posting where possible.
Javascript is required but comes automatically loaded with your browser. However any operational failure may be due to your Javascript being disabled and you’ll need to activate it for full functionality.
Ensure that uploaded images are either jpg, jpgeg, gif, tiff, png, bmp or svg and ideally smaller than 100kb and certainly no bigger than 500kb. Images will be resized to fit the spaces when loaded (pixel size).
Receiving a broadcast
To make a page that receives/show broadcastes:
Go to the page that you want to show the broadcaste on:
Go: Receiving in
Click the receiving in icon on
Go The Advanced settings
Go View groups
Select events .nzl
Enter the town name
Add the tag
Then go to Broadcasting Options
select the date for about 2 months back . Refresh