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lets insert images

Insert/edit image: Same as before.  This is another place you can access you size, source, add caption to the image. 

Insert template: Upgrade doesn't show plus open close icons See attached screen grab

Code sampler: NEW  not sure what this does?

Horizontal Line:2 Doesn't3 seem to work on either Upgrade or Current. Do I need to write some css for this?

Page break: NEW feature looks like it adds a para break, works in admin but doesn't show on the front end. I'm not sure why you need to use a 'page break'. A para break might be more useful. This option is confusing.

Just one icon to insert an image (mountain picture) One icon to insert videos (arrow in square box) or use the source code.11:15:57 Inserting/linking pdf is done through the Link icon (chain)

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